Thursday, June 19, 2008


I'm not a fan of these french keyboards, so this is going to be short and sweet. Burkina Faso is amazing. The people here are so nice and helpful...and all the problems I have experienced (get ready) : the heat, not ever being dry because of the sweat, the GI distress, trying to learn a language using a language that you only sort of know, being laughed at for how I say "ne y yebeoogo", missing friends, family, and's all worth it. And our training staff here is really fun and so good at what they do. The other trainees are pretty cool too.
It's awesome. God is good.
More later.


Anonymous said...

So glad to read your update. You are amazing! Can't wait to hear more and let us know what to send. Everyone wants to send a package. All my love. mom

McKenna Grace said...

Hooray for updates!

So glad to hear that things are going well and the people are kind and helpful.

Can't wait to hear more about it.

Until then, praying for you!


Margaret said...

WE MISS YOU :( Glad to hear things are going well for you...

You're good people. I'm just sayin.

Love, Margaret

Kyle said...

Did you know that you can modify your settings through Facebook to have it automatically load all of your posts from here? Just go to Notes and then Import Settings. Anyway, glad to see that you're alive and that things are going well. I'm glad you have your address up, I'll have to send you something here next week.
Love ya,

Jayne said...

ah steven i am SO glad to hear things are going so amazing and awesome to hear that the people there are great too...thats what i have experienced here too. so, when are we going to do our meet in the middle thing? just let me know and i'll book the tickets! cant wait to hear more updates!!

Anonymous said...

Steve! I miss you buddy!

Anonymous said...

Hey dude! Glad things are going well. Keep the blogs coming..oh're cool...and you' is cooooll..tooooo...end of message....

Eric Wright said...

Glad to see they have some internet in Africa. Seriously though even I laugh at you for the way you say "ne y yebeoogo"

keep up the good work and don't let the GI distress get you down.

Jay said...


JR said...


it's late on a Friday night and Adam and I just got back from tennis. It's pretty hot here, I was dying. But I can only imagine what it's like down there.

Jenna and I are thinking about you and hoping to hear more soon!

Grace and peace from both of us!
